
Why Our School Has Life In The Middle? - Anurag & Pranav

Do you know why our school has life in the middle? We’ll tell you about it in the next paragraphs. Life in the Middle is most likely the homepage of every laptop and PC. You can read the latest news on this new website ~ isblifeinthemiddle.blogspot.com. The old website has been abandoned and the latest news will be on this new website.

The main idea of having Life in the Middle is that you get updated news about school. We will give the latest news from the school and the writer gets to practice writing, which can improve his/her writing skills. It can also the teach writers how to edit pictures and how to research in proper words. This is a great skill to learn from teachers or other students. Let’s hear what the other people need to know.

Tim- There are a lot of articles to write about and it is so interesting. You don’t get any homework. The teacher is polite and kind.

Vignesh- I like this class because you can learn how to write better and publish things on the internet. I also like this class because you get to find out the latest news.

Nino- I felt relatively good. I picked this class because it would fit in well with photography. I like it because it gives me a chance to try journalism.

So, why don’t you go and check out the new website of LIFE IN THE MIDDLE?

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