
NBBL by: Matt & Robbie

North Bangkok Basketball league has started with many participants, and is into its third week. People can not only play basketball, but can also work as score keepers to earn money. Some people I know don’t play but they keep score at their friend’s games and earn 200 baht per game. If you do timekeeping and scorekeeping, you get 400 baht per game. This is much harder to do.

The basketball league is a good chance to have fun and meet some people. The whole point of this is to have fun. Yes, there is a championship. Some people get way too into it and yell at the referees. Some kids even get thrown out of the games. It may cost 2000 baht, but you still get a jersey and get to play. The teams are picked by the coaches, so the teams are more balanced. You play every week for about two hours against other teams. If you score keep you can get the 2000 baht back plus more. One kid last year got 6000 baht from scorekeeping.

This is also a good chance to practice your basketball skills. If you are not happy with your basketball ability level, the coaches want to make you better at it, so that you can enjoy it better.

It’s too late to join this year but next year, come on down!

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