
First Quarter, New Experiences- by Grace

The first quarter of the 2008 school year’s nearly over. Come October the 9th, we’ll be embarking on a brand new quarter. You may already be accustomed to the events that happen in ISB, but do you still remember the lost-looking, shy new students that first arrived to ISB just about two months ago? Let’s check out how these new students are faring.

Margaret is in 6th grade. Before arriving in ISB, she studied in Seoul, Korea. Speaking of the first quarter here, she said, “It was okay. I’ve made some new friends. The homework is more difficult than those in my former school, but the teachers are kind and I get along well with my classmates. My electives are what I expected them to be when I signed up for them and I like them, especially Publications, because there’s no homework.”

7th grader Shawnie was in the American School of Bangkok (ASB) before coming here. She describes the first quarter at ISB as ‘awesome’, adding, “I’ve made many good friends. There’s a lot more homework though, and it’s harder than at my previous school. However, the teachers are definitely more knowledgeable and my classmates are very nice, helping me out when I need help. The electives are what I expected them to be when I first signed up for them and I like them, because it’s nice to do what you are interested in.”

As for me, I was in Singapore before coming here and I find the environment here very relaxed and conducive to learning. It’s truly ‘inspired learning’. I love the concept of electives because I can do what I like to do and what I’m interested in, and I find my teachers and classmates all very helpful and friendly. I’ve enjoyed my first quarter immensely so far and I’m looking forward to more to come.

Regardless of whether you’re a new student, returning student, or old student, you’ll definitely have experienced some new stuff and have stories to share! Comment on this post to tell a tale of your first quarter.

Picture was taken from http://www.isb.ac.th/Academic_Standards2.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Grace.
I am so happy that you are feeling refreshed in Bangkok. The good thing is that you remember the memories from your old school.